Discover the best Visual Studio Code shortcuts and hotkeys to speed up your coding workflow. Vote on and submit your favourite shortcuts, as well as discover new shortcuts shared by the community, so you can become a vscode wizard 🪄.
Remove unused imports
folds all regions in the editor.
Cut the current line when nothing is selected
Copies the selected line above/below
Folds all regions that start with a block comment token.
Copy the current line when nothing is selected
Changes the whole line to a comment
Unfolds the region at the cursor and all regions inside that region.
Unfold the innermost collapsed region at the cursor
Move the current line up or down
Selects the whole current line without needing to use the arrow keys
Folds the innermost uncollapsed region at the cursor and all regions inside that region.
Indents the line without needing to move the cursor to the start of the line
Fold the innermost uncollapsed region at the cursor
Outdents the line without needing to move the cursor to the start of the line
Folds all regions of level X, except the region at the current cursor position.
Have a shortcut that you love that's not listed on our website? You can submit it to our database and share it with the community.